Come Over October

Rebecca Germolus on Sep 16, 2024

What’s Come Over October all about? Read on to learn more about it and how you might embrace and even enjoy it.

This past summer, three wine industry colleagues came up with the idea of Come Over October to encourage people to get together once again to celebrate life’s special moments and friendships over a glass of wine.

Banner that reads "Love Wine? Cover Over and Celebrate this October." Banner also has a maple leaf in fall colors, a wine cork and the logo for Cover Over October and Come Together.


Why Now?

Although we were all excited to be able to gather again after the pandemic shutdown, life demands derailed many of us from continuing to reach out to those we enjoy and carving out time to spend with them.

Come Over October’s mission is straightforward and simple:
“… to encourage people to invite family and friends, new and old, to come together during the month of October to share some wine and friendship. We believe that through the simple act of sharing wine, we share other things that matter — generosity, caring, and a belief that being together is an essential part of human happiness.”

Getting together with friends for a glass of wine after work, on a Saturday afternoon with appetizers, or over a meal has been the social fabric of our lives. And, if you’ve got too much wine in your cellar, closet, or wine rack, this is the perfect time to share it. It feels great to turn friends or family members on to a new wine or introduce them to a new winery. Make October your month to share a special wine with someone you know will appreciate it, too.

Come Over October encourages us to put down our devices, hang out together and have real conversations. Sipping on a beverage is a natural part of gathering, so it makes sense to include wine in the mix. Even if your friends or family aren’t wine drinkers, the Come Over October movement is the perfect reminder to make spending time together a priority.

Three young woman, causally dressed, sitting on a bench outside with flowering bushes in the background. The woman are toasting with glasses of white wine and on the low table in front of them is a bottle of Merry Edwards Sauvignon Blanc.
Gather with friends at Merry Edwards Winery.


No Excuses

Before you start thinking of all the reasons you can’t have anyone over, like your home is too small or you don’t have time to clean before asking someone over, let’s explore other options. Here’s a quote from the Come Over October website, “…invite friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family to “come over” to share some wine — at home, in a restaurant, or wherever get-togethers happen. Friendship is best when it is celebrated together.”

What about gathering friends for a picnic in a local park or other outdoor area? October is a beautiful time of year no matter where you live. Make it a potluck with everyone bringing a favorite appetizer and bottle of wine.

Gathering at a restaurant or bar works, too. Or, go wine tasting and take along a picnic lunch. There are a lot of wineries that have a picnic area and a bocce court, too. Sipping wine with friends as you look out over a vineyard will get your shoulders to relax and laughter to flow.

Man with a hat and beard and woman wearing a brown t-shirt are sitting in front of a picnic spread in and a bottle of Alexander Valley Vineyards Rosé of Sangiovese. The picnic is on the deck, with other picnic tables and chairs near by.
Bring friends along wine tasting and enjoy a picnic. Thank you Alexander Valley Vineyards for sharing your deck with us.


More Options

Having a wine tasting at your home or office is also a fun way to gather folks together. If some of your friends aren’t wine drinkers, have an additional tasting of non-flavored sparkling water. We recently went to a wine tasting in someone’s home, and there was also a sparkling water tasting for the people who don’t drink wine. It was surprising and fun to taste the vast differences in sparkling waters, plus in between tastes we were talking and laughing, too.

If your bestie lives too far away to see them in person, schedule a call or Facetime, and enjoy each other’s company while each of you sip your favorite wine. My friends and family are scattered far and wide, so wine and phone calls happen often during my weekends.


What Can You Plan for Come Over October?

Streaming a movie, playing a video game or reading a book are relaxing and enjoyable, but these activities don’t fulfill our need for social interaction and stimulating conversation. If you miss being with your friends and family, plan something for Come Over October. If you really get into it, maybe plan more than one gathering, and who says we need to stop when October is over?

Group of people are toasting with red and white wines while eating a outdoor lunch. The wine is DaVero, plus there is bread, a roast chicken, and roast vegetables.
Toast to an al fresco lunch with some DaVero wines.

I’ve given you a few ideas, but there are many more, just be creative. Don’t let a dusty or small home keep you from being with the people you enjoy most. Find ways to spend time together. Life goes by way too fast and it’s never predictable. Grab quality time together now.

You might discover that Come Over October helps you find what’s missing in your life — making time for those you love and enjoy the most!

Happy Sipping!



Posted by Rebecca Germolus

Rebecca Germolus, co-owner of Maximum Value Marketing, loves Sonoma County and playing along the Wine Road. Rebecca daily immerses herself in wine country by providing cost-effective marketing and writing solutions to wineries and restaurants.

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